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Category :   Services / IT and Software
Price :    400092/-
Title :    Combining UI and UX for Customer-Centric Digital Solutions
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The basics of digital visual aren’t valued anywhere without having a great user interface and user experience. It is important for digital products or services to ensure the combination of a clean UI and UX design. The process of UI and UX are connected in the design lifecycle, but it has unique specialities in a different stage of the product development process.

User experience involves adding a human element to the product design. UX (User Experience) Design involves the communication of a brand/product with its potential customer, while UI (User Interface) Design is what complements the look and feel of the product and adds to product’s presentation and interaction. It is important for businesses to approach a UI UX design company that takes a design-centric approach to user interface and user experience design. A product design strategy should ideally involve a practical, skill-based visual communications perspective. User Interface and User Experience applies to any product that is designed to be human-centric. It has been mostly associated with the digital arena since it is a potential medium for business and marketing.

An important factor to consider while hiring a UI UX design company is whether they have designers skilled in the key design principles or not. Sudha Solutions, a leading UI UX design agency employs experienced designers who offer web and visual design focused on the user interface with layout, navigation, typography, icons and background. Skilled designers will prioritise on aspects like UI placement, spacing, padding, grid, placement, size, typography, font sizes, line height and gradient. Attention to detail is important for designers as the smallest changes that the designer makes to every single detail of your product can make a huge difference. If you are on the primary steps of designing a product and looking to make decisions regarding the UI UX design of your product, the following steps will help you steer your efforts in the right direction.

Identifying the User

The initial stage of a UI UX design strategy involves identifying the potential users, their wants, needs and objectives. A design team has to gain a personal understanding of the project and visualise the user experiences and motivations.

Defining the Project

The next stage of the design lifecycle is applying the information of the potential user to develop a problem statement. The design team will analyse the user data to define the UI UX design strategy.

Ideating the Design

The third step is to apply solutions to the project that has been defined. The team will engage in brainstorming in order to

Country :    India 
City :    Mumbai
Mobile :    9819882328

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Name           :    sudha solutions

Contect No. :    9819882328

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